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You see, several years ago, I began to suggest that my patients start taking several natural compounds for longevity

The research was compelling and showed that these compounds could have some dramatic effects on everything from insulin sensitivity10, to cholesterol management11, to triglyceride levels12

So while I wasn’t surprised that my patients showed up a few months later with healthy blood markers, I was shocked to see their physiques! Every single one of them had lost weight

Elana was a 74 year-old who’d struggled with her weight for years, and had admitted to"giving up on exercise." Yet here she was, just a few weeks later, looking and weighing in 5 pounds less.

Jimmy was 55, and admitted that he “loved to eat.” I remember him telling me that he’d rather die an early death than give up the joy he got from sinking his teeth into a juicy hamburger. Needless to say, his wife didn’t like hearing that.


That's why I started him on these compounds as well. And on his next follow-up visit, I was just scratching my head about his weight loss and his blood markers… how could they have improved this much, this quickly?

Doctor Patient

Then there was Susan, a 67 year- old whose health was declining fast. She came to me after her family doctor put her on metformin and a stable of other prescriptions.

And while I’ll prescribe drugs if they’re necessary, I’d rather help my patients solve their problems with natural options.  

When Susan returned 7 pounds thinner, healthier, and reporting  more energy than she’d had since her mid-fifties, I began to look deeper into the research. 

Because three of these patients confirmed that…

They Hadn’t Consciously
Changed Anything
In Their Diets
Or Physical Fitness Regimens.

Now please understand: not a day goes by that a patient doesn’t ask me about the latest and greatest weight loss fad. Whether it’s garcinia, Atkins, the keto diet… I’ve seen and researched them all

And I’ve been especially skeptical about the supplements. Pantries across America are stocked with supplements that make all sorts of huge claims but fail to deliver.  

Frankly, I’ve never been able to recommend that my patients take a so-called “weight loss”supplement. They’re largely ineffective, and some of them can even be dangerous.

But as you might imagine, this time around, my patients’ changes got my attention. 

And new clinical research was published on these same compounds that was showing some outrageous results.

Stacks of Research

One trial showed that obese patients taking 1500mg of something called “Berberine” every day lost an average of 3.6 pounds without diet or exercise13, and another noted a 5.34% reduction in the waistlines of test subjects with metabolic syndrome, when they took 900mg of Berberine per day14!  

Another ingredient called Chromium Picolinate showed that patients who took it had a significant reduction in carbohydrate cravings 15, as well as a 25% reduction in overall calorie intake.16 

These are not the sort of results we see every dayor ever, really… and I was in a unique position to help spread the word.

Dr. Rosenberg Donations

I’ve served on numerous boards at Bethesda Memorial Hospital, and I currently sit on the Board of Directors at the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

And of course, there are the many lectures that I give to doctors around the country.

Yet when it comes to research this groundbreaking… about natural ingredients

You’d Be Surprised How Many
Conventional Doctors Are Resistant
To Hearing About This Stuff!

It’s like they won’t tell their patients about anything unless it comes from one of Big Pharma’s labs… maybe they don’t want to give up all the commissions and perks they get from hooking more Americans on prescription meds. 

I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be cynical… I just get frustrated when I see people who are in a position to help others, and then turn a blind eye to advances like these.

Especially as more and more patients began to experience the benefits I was seeing. It was as if their bodies were getting younger… certainly healthier… and of course, much fitter.

With enough data on my hands, I decided it was time to take this research directly to the American public. But I wanted to go one step further…

Overweight Ashamed

…because I’ve seen how Anabolistic Disorder defeats even the strongest-willed patients.

I’ve seen the shame, the guilt, the frustration they feel when nothing is working for them.

And since the day I diagnosed my mother with cancer, my mission has been to help people extend both the amount of time they’re alive… and their quality of life

My goal is for patients to be just as healthy, active and joyful at 90, as they are at 70… to squeeze every precious ounce of happiness out of this magical time on earth.

Anabolistic Disorder Stands Directly
In The Way Of A Long, Radiant Life

So I began to wonder: what if I could present not just the research, but a real solution to this scourge?  

I already had a promising lead with the compound that I’d recommended for Elana, Jimmy and Susan – an alkaloid called Berberine.

Berberine Tree

Berberine is extracted from plants such as goldenseal root, barberry bark and Oregon grape root. And the evidence is conclusive: this magic molecule ‘re-activates’ the AMPK in our cells17

It’s been used for decades in China to soothupset guts, yet, in the past few years, the research has exploded...

For example, there are certain genes that, when turned on by environmental factors, can slow down your metabolism, and accelerate Anabolistic Disorder.  

Yet one study showed how Berberine forces these genes into a headlock - blocking their ability to ruin your waistline.18

Another study turned chubby, couch-potato rats into athletic hard bodies by dosing them with berberine.  

Rats given berberine lost sizeable chunks of weight compared to the control group that gained weight without berberine. (Plus, another rat experiment showed berberine lowered fasting glucose levels and boosted glucose tolerance.)19

But These Exciting Studies
Are Just Scratching The Surface

In a 12-week-long study, overweight men and women were given 500 mg of berberine 3 times a day... they lost an average of 5 pounds, and 3.6% of their body fat.20

Waist Tape Measure

The second study was for 3 months, during which 37 overweight individuals were given 300 mg of berberine 3 times per day. These patients saw their body mass index drop from 31.5 to 27.4, lost significant amounts of belly fat, and saw improvement in several other markers of health.21

The bottom line is this:

Berberine Resets Your Body, To Reactivate Your "Youth Metabolism"

It kicks cells out of their Anabolistic Loop, like a feisty drill sergeant who’s arrived to whip his recruits into shape. 

And by reigniting your AMPK, it commands each cell to burn more fat and flush out that blood sugar. 

As the Natural Medicine Journal states:

Natural Medicine Journal

“…activating AMPK can produce the same benefits as exercise and dieting on weight loss.*One way to appreciate berberine's potential is to think of it as having the same effect on a patient as increasing exercise while at the same time restricting calorie intake.”22

And while there’s absolutely no substitute for diet and exercise…

This Is Why I Think Of Berberine
As “Exercise In A Pill”

AMPK activation renews every cell in your body.23 So it’s not just your waistline that benefits, it’s your heart, your brain, your liver and your energy levels too.

Healthy Woman

Between the indisputable research,and the results that my patients were experiencing, I knew that Berberinewould become a new “go-to” in my medical toolkit – as important as Omegas, Probiotics and Curcumin.

Berberine Press

And I truly believe that it’s about to go mainstream – the beauty and fitness bloggers are starting to write about it, and it won’t be long before it shows up in magazines like Self and Men’s Health.

But if there’s one thing that my own research has taught me, it’s that you have to attack these problems from multiple angles.  

I knew that a high dose of Berberine is necessary, but not sufficient, to tackle Anabolistic Disorder…so I began to run tests on countless compounds. 

My goal was to find additional ingredients that would kickstart AMPK. 

And since Anabolistic Disorder affects multiple cellular and hormonal pathways, the big question was...

How Do You“Shut All Doors” On
Anabolistic Disorder?

It was slow work to figure it out. 

Just because a compound shows promising study results, does not mean that it will universally help a bigger group of people.

My wife and all of my amazing (and fun-loving) staff members began to call me the “mad scientist” – and my response was…“after 20 years of cancer research, only now I’ve earned that title?

Rosenberg AMT Team

I finally came up for air when I began to see good results from a compound called White Kidney Bean Extract

Compelling studies suggest it may change the way our bodies metabolize the food we eat, by delaying the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. It does this by blocking an enzyme -- alpha amylase -- which aids digestion of carbs in the small intestine. 

That means a slow drip of glucose entering your bloodstream, rather than the typical onslaught that comes after a meal.  

The cellular result?

With White Kidney Bean Extract,
Your AMPK Doesn’t Get The “Time For Retirement” Message

And the real world results?  

Well, in a 2010 study, taking White Kidney Bean Extract supplements 15 minutes before each meal led to a reduction in both weight and waist circumference, compared to taking a placebo.24 

Another study involved a much lower dose of the Extract -- 445 mg -- once per day, and subjects ate a calorie-restricted diet. After 30 days, those taking the White Kidney Bean had lost 6.6 pounds compared to 0.8 pounds among those taking placebo.25 They also enjoyed significantly greater reductions in fat mass and waist circumference.

White Kidney Bean Extract quickly became my second front in the war on Anabolistic Disorder, but I knew there was still a big pathway I needed to shut down: food cravings

As you know, overeating is a big, bad AMPK Blocker… and of course, it leads directly to a bigger waistline.  

And I’m not talking about “a few bites extra.”

When I say overeating, I mean those stuff-your-face meals… you know, where you can barely get up from the table, weighed down by the food in your belly, the guilt on your shoulders, or both!


Enter Chromium Picolinate:
A Food Craving Destroyer

In one 8-week study, Chromium Picolinate lowered food intake and crushed the cravings and hunger pangs in overweight women.26 

Another study showed that it reduced carbohydrate intake by a full 25%27...that adds up to an astounding amount of calories that won’t reach your waistline, or overload your AMPK

We believe that Chromium’s beneficial effect on the brain helps produce these results. But by now you know that I need to see the cold, hard data. 

That’s why I was ecstatic when the results of an 8-week study came back. 113 people suffering from depression were given Chromium Picolinate, and even they had reduced food cravings.28  

Between these three ingredients, I knew we had…

A 1-2-3 Counterpunch That Could
Knock Out Anabolistic Disorder!

…and help anyone lose weight, gain energy, and start to feel like themselves again.


But I didn’t stop there… because my research had unearthed two additional, potent compounds that could bring Anabolistic Disorder to a dead stop.

The first is called Gymnema, and its original Hindi name – gurmar – means “sugar destroyer.”

Eastern Ayurvedic doctors have been using it for centuries, to treat blood sugar and weight problems.

You see, Gymnama molecules “look like” sugar molecules to your body, so they “bind” to sugar receptors in your mouth and small intestine.

And when that happens, those receptors reject real sugar, so your body doesn’t process it… you don’t get the insulin spike… and your cells don’t get the “time to store calories” message!

Gymnema is truly the perfect compliment to the high-sugar western diet, and while western medicine is just catching up with clinical studies, the early results are very promising.

In one study, two groups of rats were fed a high-fat diet, but one of those groups also received Gynema.

Amazingly, the group that received Gynema weighed in 23% less than the group that didn’t receive it.

Not only that, but their cholesterol was lower, their triglycerides were lower, and their insulin levels were lower… by a shocking 82% versus the group that hadn’t received the Gymnema.

Imagine Weighing 23% Less… With One Little Plant Extract!

It’s possible with Gymnema, and while human studies are just starting to hit the journals, but they’re incredibly exciting.

For example, one recent study showed that – over a twelve-week period – overweight people who took Gymnema lost an average of 7.49 pounds!29

(And the “placebo group” who didn’t take the Gymnema gained about 3 extra pounds over that same twelve weeks.)

There are dozens of other compelling studies about Gymnema, but I want to move on and tell you about the final ingredient in AMPAlive: Rhodiola Rosea.

This hardy “super herb” can be found in high in the mountains, where it thrives in the harshest environmental stresses.

It was used by Vikings, and Siberian explorers, to bolster their energy and their spirit. And once the team at Sun Coast Sciences discovered it, we knew why.

rhodiola rosea

For one thing, Rhodiola has been proven to provide big boosts in energy.30 And anyone who’s carrying around extra weight will appreciate that their body feels “lighter” and that it’s easier to get active.

Rhodiola has also been proven to decrease the effects of cortisol.31 That’s the hormone your body produces when it’s tired and stressed, and it might not surprise you to learn that cortisol increases as weight increases.32

High cortisol can lead to fatigue, occasional depression, and listlessness, which stand directly in the way of a happy, healthy life. And while Rhodiola’s energy-boosting, cortisol-reducing effects can help you fight Anabolistic Disorder, they’re not the reason that I’ve included it in AMPAlive. You see…

Rhodiola Is Like Fertilizer For Lipase: Your Body’s Own Fat-Melting Enzyme

Yes, studies have now shown that rhodiola specifically targets and attacks visceral fat… that’s the stuff on your belly, hips and thighs.33

It does this by encouraging your body to produce more lipase – that’s your body’s natural, fat-destroying enzyme.34

Overweight and obese individuals suffering from Anabolostic Disorder simply cannot produce enough lipase on their own… which is why I knew that a clinical dose of Rhodiola was the final “nail in the coffin” for my AMPAlive formula.

This Combination Of Ingredients Is
Something That No One Has Ever Seen Before…

…and that’s why I believe the results have been so unprecedented. 

My lab immediately began to formulate this blend, and when we gave it to volunteers, the results were like nothing I’d ever seen before

It was as if we’d taken the effects of Berberine, and amplified them by a factor of ten

Test subjects were losing slabs of fat, and feeling better than they had in decades.  

“It’s not just the weight,” one of them told me… “it’s like my whole body woke up and just started working again! I haven’t had this much energy in years, and all of my friends in the block association want to know what Doc Rosenberg has me on!”

More confident than ever, I reached out to my manufacturing partners to begin wide-scale production and coordinated with my business partners at Sun Coast Sciences to get our operations team ready. 

So today, I couldn’t be more excited to introduce you to…

AMPAlive: The Closest Thing That Exists To Exercise In A Pill

AMPAlive Bottle

We chose the name AMPAlive for this special formula because it quite literally commands your AMPK back to life… like a strong cup of coffee after a night of deep, heavy sleep.  

And it’s already helping people just like you. 

In fact, I’d like you to have a look at your calendar, about four weeks from now

That time is going to go by in a flash…

Mirror Pride

And in just 28 days, you could be fitting into old clothes, feeling confident and happy when you look in the mirror, and hearing friends gushing about the slimmer, more energetic you.

That’s because AMPAlive can get your cellular weight management machinery working like it’s supposed to… 

…and reverse years or even decades of the consequences of by Anabolistic Disorder. 

And it doesn’t require any medical interventions… any visits to an expensive lab… any needles or procedures…

AMPAlive Pills

No, you’ll get all of the benefits of AMPAlive with just two small, vegetarian capsules, taken with your first two meals of the day.

While AMPAlive is not a substitute for diet or exercise, it is truly the closest thing that exists to “exercise in a pill.”

That’s why I’m confident that your double-take moment is just around the corner… 

When you walk by the mirror and catch yourself. 

You’re wearing those clothes you never thought you’d fit in… the ones you’d been holding onto out of hope, but maybe there was that nagging voice that said “the days of wearing these are behind you.” 

Except they’re not...

With AmpAlive,
Your Best Days Are Ahead

And that’s when you realize that the real you is back… that you’ve shut the door on Anabolistic Disorder, and quite literally started to turn back your metabolic clock

In fact, there’s something that we haven’t even discussed yet… something that has my anti-aging colleagues and I abuzz with excitement. 

When you activate your AMPK, not only do you get all the weight management benefits… 

…but it can actually fix cellular damage

You see, each and every cell in your body contains mitochondria… think of them as your “cellular engines,” where glucose and oxygen are combined and turned into energy. 

Over time, though, these engines get clogged up and damaged. It’s a natural part of the aging process… just like your car’s engine stops working as well when you hit 60, 70 or 80,0000 miles.


And when your mitochondria break down, well… everything breaks down.  

Sure, you start gaining weight. 

But you also start feeling really lousy. You get tired and foggy, no matter how many cups of coffee you chug. You get sick more often. Your skin gets cloudy and splotchy. 

You’d expect those sort of things to happen if the power plants in your cells were breaking down, wouldn’t you? 

They’re the surest signs of aging, and for years, we at the American Academy of Anti-Aging have been asking ourselves how we can repair our mitochondria. And would't you know it…

AMPK Can “Fix”
Mitochondria Damage In Cells!35

Yes, AMPK promotes a cellular process called “mitophagy”36 – when damagedmitochondria are broken down, and replaced with fresh new versions ofthemselves. 

Imagine if you took your car into the dealership, and they didn’t just do an oil change… they gave you a brand new engine!

That’s exactly what increased levels of AMPK can do for your age-damaged cells.


So it’s not just your waistline that benefits…it’s your heart, your brain, your liver, your skin, and your whole life

And that’s why I believe AMPAlive isn’t just helping people defeat Anabolistic Disorder and lose the weight they hate…

…it’s got them feeling and looking ten, twenty, or thirty years younger

Their eyes sparkling, their skin radiant and clear, their stride confident and full of energy. 

Afternoon naps become a thing of the past. 

Moods and spirits lift, as if some divine hand was reaching in and giving them a push. Patients tell me…

“I Haven’t Felt This Good In Years!”

And you’ll feel these effects immediately… because AMPAlive literally reprograms and transforms your cells, from the inside, out. 

That’s why you simply can’t compare this lab-tested formula to anything that’s come before it.

Weight Scam

It’s far from a grocery-store weight loss supplement.  

Those are typically packed with dangerous stimulants that make you jittery and anxious… and can have seriously bad long-term effects on your heart and your metabolism.

Speaking of which, AMPAlive is also far from an energy supplement.

Most of those work by speeding up how the neurons in your brain communicate with each other… leading to the inevitable“crash” when their effects wear off.

Energy Drink

…but that’s not even close to how AMPAlive works. 

Instead, it rebuilds your cellular engines and gets them firing like they did in your youth.

It’s Like The Difference Between Driving A Brand New Tesla, And A
1996 Dodge Caravan!

AMPAlive promotes healthy weight management, and longevity, like nothing that’s come before it.

Now is there anyone who couldn’t benefit from AMPAlive

Well, if you’re under 30, and you’re in decent shape, then there’s a good chance that your AMPK is already functioning at a high level.

AMPK levels are highest in our youth, so AMPAlive won’t do a whole lot for cellular engines that are running how they’re supposed to.

AMPAlive may also have limited benefits if you’re one of those few people who can eat anything and not gain weight. 

I believe that people like this already have an abundant supply of AMPK – likely through rare and lucky genetics.


In fact, when we look at studies of centenarians (those lucky few who live past 100) we find strong correlations with high AMPK activation.37

So while it doesn’t hurt to supplement your AMPK levels as you age, it’s unlikely that AMPAlive will deliver the same visible reductions in weight for naturally skinny people, that it will for those who are suffering from Anabolistic Disorder.

But if you’re like the millions of other Americans who could be suffering from Anabolistic Disorder… someone whose body is, frankly, responding to food and age the way it was supposed to, then…

AMPAlive Is For You

So how can you try it today? 

Well, one option is to go buy each of these ingredients on its own. Your shopping list will be…

You can find some of these ingredients on, but I think you’ll find something else. 

First, many of them are under-dosed. I saw an expensive, beautifully packaged Berberine Supplement, which has a mere one tenth of the clinical dose of Berberine HCL.  

Talk about buyer beware…

Second, while there are a few supplement manufacturers that I respect for their integrity – companies like Thorne and DaVinci Labs – I simply don’t trust most of the stuff I see online or in stores

I’ve seen firsthand how they under-dose or pack their supplements with fillers or unnatural additives. It’s shameful, but because so few companies get “caught,” it’s become a common practice.

Another Option Is To
Get AmpAlive From Your Doctor

Berberine Doctor

I’ve begun to partner with a few cutting-edge integrative physicians around the country, and if your doctor attends the anti-aging conferences I speak at, there’s a possibility that he or she is carrying AMPAlive.

I can personally guarantee that any AMPAlive you buy from your doctor has been distributed directly from the Sun Coast Sciences warehouse, and has undergone a rigorous safety inspection. 

You can expect to pay $69.95 for a one-month’s supply – that is our “retail price,” and if your doctor attempts to charge you more, please contact my team and me! 

But there’s one more option, and I believe it is the best one for most Americans: to order your own supply of AMPAlive right now, direct from my team and I– properly dosed, impeccably produced, and tested by an independent lab for purity and safety. 

And because we are “eliminating the middleman”and shipping directly from our clean Utah warehouse, to your front door, we are able to offer a one-month supply of AMPAlive for only $49.95.

When You Buy Direct,
You’ll Pay Our Lowest Rate:
$49.95 (or less)

AMPAlive Bottle

That’s $20 off the retail price, and I’ll also ship it to you for free. Our shipments go out daily, so you could be starting your AMPAlive treatment in just a few short days from now

The Sun Coast Sciences team and I are also offering an unprecedented guarantee on AMPAlive – a full year.

Yes, You Have 365 Days To Give This
Magical Formula A Try,
And See How It Works For You.

In fact, once you place your order, the next thing I want you to do is to go grab a tape measure and record your waist circumference

Mesuring Tape Waist

I know it can be daunting, but you can have confidence this time around, knowing that big changes are on the way.

And if you don’t shed inches from your waistline… even after a year of taking AMPAlive, then I want you to get in touch with me and let me know. And my team and I will happily refund you every penny of your purchase

I don’t think that’s going to be your experience, though.  

I think it will be quite the opposite – such a remarkable change in your body composition, your energy levels, and your overall health, that you’ll want to keep taking AMPAlive every day, for the rest of your life

That’s certainly been the feedback I’ve received so far… 

…and that’s why I’m also offering a three month supply, and a six month supply, for an even bigger savings off retail price. 

Now if you’re the kind of deal-hunter who can really take advantage of low pricing and my guarantee, I’ve also created an“Insider” subscription program… 

…where you’ll automatically get new shipments every month, every three months, or for the greatest savings of all, every six months

It’s completely optional, but please give it a hard look, because I can’t think of anything better for your health and longevity than locking in your supply of AMPAlive. 

So please don’t hesitate – I have 5000 units of AMPAlive ready for shipment, but I expect that they will go very fast once this website goes live.  

Once that batch is sold out, we will do another manufacturing run, and there’s a very good chance that we will raise prices if demand is high (which I fully expect). 

But to reward those who are serious about their health and who purchase now before this batch is sold out, the Sun Coast Sciences team and I will lock in today’s price for life… just for you… but only if you order now.

If you see that any of the packages are“greyed out,” then I’m sorry to say that they are currently sold out.

Once you’ve selected your package, you will enter your shipping address, and billing details.


We collect only the bare minimum we need to securely process your order, and we use the same encryption technology that Amazon uses to secure its own order processing system

Even better, we encrypt a big chunk of your credit card information, so no human eyes will ever see the full number or your security codenot even our Customer Service agents, if you need to speak to them about a refund or a new purchase. 

Speaking of which, you can reach these wonderful people 24/7… either by sending an email to, or by calling us at 1-888-281-6816.

Stay at home mom

Our team is staffed right here in the United States, and consists of stay at home Moms and Dads who’ve been background checked and rigorously vetted.

So there won’t be any struggling through a complicated phone bank, only to reach someone who barely speaks English. We’re here to be your partner in health, not your adversary on the other end of a phone line

And of course, we welcome any and all calls –everything from questions about your order, to stories about your own transformation from AMPAlive

So go ahead and click on the Next Step button, and select your package now. Your supply of AMPAlive will ship out from our clean warehouse, as soon as tonight, for the lowest price you can find anywhere.

Then get ready, because…

You’re About To Become The Center
Of Some Very Positive Attention…

…as family and friends rave about how great you look. 

Get ready for your doctor to ask you what you’ve done to lose those pounds and achieve those incredibly healthy blood markers… “whatever it is, keep doing it, because you actually seem to be getting younger!

Doctor Visit

(and don’t be surprised if he asks you to let him in on your secret.) 

AMPAlive is the real thing for better weight management, more energy, and a long healthy life.

It is the only supplement that has been specifically designed to defeat Anabolistic Disorder, and slam all three of its doors shut. 

That’s why I believe it is working for so many people when nothing else has worked for them before. 

And that’s what I expect for you, as well. 

So if you want to experience the AMPALive “new lease on life”, then I urge you to click on the Next Step button and choose your package before we sell out.

You’ve been with me all the way to the end, so I know that you want this to work for you. 

And since you’re serious about your health, let’s consider what could happen if you walk away, and don’t start an AMPAlive regimen

For one thing, your AMPK supply will continue to diminish as you age. That means even more food being stored as fat.

Suffering Woman

It means less energy, less vibrancy.  

It means serious cellular damage – the exact conditions that I’ve been fighting against since my Mom walked into the ER.

And if you’re also one of the millions who suffers from Anabolistic Disorder, you’re putting yourself at serious risk of some serious health problems – from diabetes, to heart attacks, to strokes

The data from the Center for Disease control is scary, but it’s real. Many say that this is the greatest modern threat to our national health, even greater than the opioid crisis. 

I don’t want your loved ones looking on in pity, sadness and anger, the same way that I found myself looking at my poor mother, as she sat there and quietly received my diagnosis

And with health, little problems snowball quickly, especially as we age, and our AMPK levels decline.

Today, I’ve Given You Some Options
To Stay Healthy As You Age

High-intensity interval training and calorie restriction are proven AMPK activators, fat burners, and life-extenders.

But I’ve also given you another option… order AMPAlive today, kickstart your AMPK, and end the vicious cycle of Anabolistic Disorder. 

It’s truly the closest thing in existence to “high intensity exercise, and calorie restriction” in a pill, and you’ll know it’s working when you experience the surge of clean, smooth energy, in the just the first day or two.

AMPAlive Bottle

I can’t wait for you to feel what I’ve felt… to see that waistline shrinking, and to once again start bursting with the life inside you… the life that’s been crushed by Anabolistic Disorder. 

So please click the Next Step button, and invest in your health and longevity now.

You can try one bottle, three, or six… and because you have an unconditional 365-day guarantee, you’re fully protected, no matter which option you choose.  

And if you opt in to my Insider Subscription, you’ll save an additional 10% off our lowest rates. 

I’m very excited to get AMPAlive into your hands… and into your cells, working its magic. I’m absolutely certain that you are going to be ecstatic about the way it makes you look, and the way it makes you feel. And I suspect that you, too, could…

Experience The Metabolism Of A “Skinny Person”

To become a positive role model to family… and maybe even a bit of celebrity amongst friends. 

And most importantly, to feel great about yourself… to know that you’ve got a simple daily habit that’s making you better every day

I can’t wait to hear about your AMPAlive story– I know there’s a good one coming – so let’s start now.

The next chapter of your life begins on the very next page.  

All the best to you,
Dr. Mark Rosenberg

Rosenberg Signature

Rosneberg Signoff